Mike Davis

A Blog or Two, Some Pictures, and Some Music

We published the final chapter of the Panty Man mystery. As it was posted on Thanksgiving, we included a mildly blurry picture of a Turkey Volture. Back to the story: names were changed to protect the inocent and some events were created for dramatic effect. But it is a true story.

There will be no more blog posts until 2024 as your author is working on the family X-mas letter that many of you received inserted into Christmas cards.

This white bird was photographed at Blackwater Wildlife Preserve near Cambridge, Maryland. This photograph has not changed.

What’s New

On the Blog

News: Added another blog post where you get to vote on the next serialized short story.

Adoption Stories

Fortunately, the kitties I occasionally care for at PetSmart are being adopted so quickly that I don’t have time to take a picture and post a story about them. That is great news.


The links are all still good and all the musicians I follow are contining to do wonderful performances. Go see them in person!


Mike Davis, i.e. me, is just your average guy born in Washington, DC.

I am not an award-winning anything anywhere that anyone who is normal would recognize the significance of my received awards. The Congress Heights area of Southeast Washington is where I was raised and where little happened of note unless one wants to do a thorough analysis of the history of racism in Washington, DC. But that is not covered here. This website is for something; I know not what. If you find it enjoyable, please sign up for future newsletters and to be eligible when I start my lottery to give away $1B each week to a lucky someone on my email list.

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