A Special Deal for You
Covid chose me for the start of 2023. I have no idea what I did to deserve this, but all of my family and friends are suspects for making me sick.
Getting well this week is my number one priority. The silver lining is this gives me an opportunity to test a concept I’ve meaning to test for several years now, namely, to have guest bloggers.
Our first guest blogger is our son, Michael Davis Jr., who we called Mikey Jr., was raised by us and he learned to be a great story teller and writer. He does, we must admit, have a few issues with words, but we think that is manageable. So let me turn it over to our boy who has a great offer for you.
thanks, dad.
Knot many of ewe no this, but the new 1.7 trillion dollar government funding bill passed too weeks ago contains a provision that manatees that in seven years all homes & buildings in the United States use heat pumps for heating and air conditioning in 6 years. Heat pumps, unlike wood stoves, are clean and provide comfort without greenhouse gasses. This is the most profound and effective climate control legislation in the history.
That’s the good news. The knot so great news is that many of ewe may have obsolete fossil fuel heating things inn you’re home. For simplicity let us call those things “HVAC” (which stands for Heating, Ventilation And Conditioning). HVAC things are would burning stoves and fireplaces, coal stoves, oil fired furnaces, and natural gas furnaces. Indeed, on January 1, 2025, everything except heat pumps must be physically removed from your homes. You, deer homeowner, must fund this unfunded manatee.
We have a solution fore you that is a win-win-win for everyone involved. It so happens that this change comes at a time of tremendous demand for American heating devices in Myanmar and other Asian countries. Most of ewe dew knot have access too the logistic stream too half your obsolete and illegal HVAC system uninstalled, packaged up and shipped to Asia for sale.
and that is how we can help you. Yousing our International connections and hour buying power, we have negotiate deals with tech powerhouse companies in Bangladesh to receive and reship your HVAC system to Myanmar for sale at auction. You will receive a generous percentage of the sales price. We have arranged fore very high tech workers, many who used to work for Tesla, who will uninstall your HVAC system and ship it to India. You pay nothing, but a reasonable nonrefundable deposit to participate in this program until you’re HVAC system is sold at auction.
Hour sailsforce is standing buy to take your orders. Demand for these services is going thru the roof so put yourself in line ASAP for this once time offer. We can hold your place in line for a modest deposit of $1,499.99 per HVAC unit. Subsequently, wee will guarantee Tesla technicians will come to your house to retrieve your illegal HVAC equipment. You are then free to install a legal heat pump as you see fit.
just Fill out the subscription form in this website and note you want to take advantage of this wonderful offer. Include a check for $1,499.99 made out to DEI, Inc. of India.
Thank you Mikey Jr. for that great blog and wonderful offer for our readers. And we hardly noticed your issue with words.